2014 Professional Award: Planning Excellence Award for Best Practice: SEQR EAF Workbooks and EAF Mapper, Upstate New York Chapter, October 2014.
2010 Planning Excellence Award for Comprehensive Planning for the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan from the American Planning Association, Upstate New York Chapter, September 2010
2005 Outstanding Planning Project Comprehensive Planning: For a Plan – Agriculture in Putnam County, Opportunities and Challenges from the American Planning Association, Upstate New York Chapter, September 2005
2002 Outstanding Planning Project in the Current Topic: Smart Growth (Town of Warwick Zoning and Build-out Analysis) from the American Planning Association, Upstate New York Chapter, September 2002
Award of Excellence in Comprehensive Planning (The Village of Kinderhook Comprehensive Plan) from the American Planning Association, Upstate New York Chapter, July 2000