Our firm has contributed to a variety of projects with services such as comprehensive planning, development of zoning and other land use regulations, development of farmland protection strategies, environmental impact assessments, community involvement campaigns and grant writing. CP&EA concentrates in the special planning and environmental needs of small communities and rural areas. A wealth of professional experiences ranging from assisting local governments develop a comprehensive plan to watershed management have provided CP&EA Associates with the right combination of technical skills and the ability to work with people of all walks of life.
CP&EA offers the following planning services:
Community Analysis and Inventory
Public Participation
Environmental Planning
CP&EA offers the following planning services:
- Comprehensive plan development
- Agriculture, farmland and open space plans
- Economic revitalization of small communities, including Main Street revitalization
- Development of land use regulations (zoning, subdivision, site plan, Transfer of Development Rights)
- Design guidelines
Community Analysis and Inventory
- Development and analysis of maps and GIS databases including build-out analysis and evaluation of land use changes and trends
- Use of American Planning Association Best Practices for Comprehensive Plan Audit
- Use of Smart Growth and Sustainable Community tools and audits
- Demographic data collection, analysis and projections
- Inventory of natural, cultural, historical and recreational resources within the community
- Viewshed analysis
Public Participation
- Community involvement techniques including use of online surveys, focus groups, workshops, and interviews
- Community Image Surveys and Photosimulations to gain public input
- SWOT analysis
Environmental Planning
- Community, site specific and generic environmental impact assessment
- SEQR and SEQR procedures
- Incorporation of environmental and sustainable methods in plans and land use regulations